Google Deals

Google recently launched Google Checkout a simple way to pay across multiple sites without entering payment info for each. To celebrate they are giving out $10 off coupons for $20 coupons at many top retailers including Starbucks and Bestbuy.

Turning Public Speaking Into Profits

You hear spending 45 minutes in front of a hungry group of prospects will keep your sales pipeline filled into perpetuity. But what do you talk about? Before pitching yourself as a speaker to any group, you need to develop a unique, non-sales oriented, generally educational message. By positioning yourself as an expert on a…

Get Your Independence This Summer

Start this summer with a bang. Use the fire works on July 4th to celebrate your personal independence.Independence from traffic- Get traffic conditions for your commute Independence with your family- plan a trip Independence from phone charges Independence from the same old entertainment-watch something different Be sure to read our classic post How To Heat… An inside view

In just eight months went from zero to over over 10,000 members. Is it right for you? 1) How many Jewish members do you have? over 10,000 2) What religious affiliations do you cater to? (e.g. orthodox, reform, Chasidic) all types 3) What is your price and trial offer? We’re offering a free 3…

Online dating dilemmas

Navigating the online dating scene can become an overwhelming situation; this articles will help steer you in the right direction. There are a few common scenarios that many online daters eventually experience, and each one can seem like a stumbling block, impeding the way to a happier, brighter love life. The most common experience—and often…

Getting Clear Control of Your Tasks Today

Recently as part of my organizing drive to Get Things Done (GTD) I came across an outlook plug-in by Clear Context called IMS Pro that has increased my productivity with little effort. A few simple buttons can make anyone more productive. Organizing Your Mailbox The first purpose of IMS Pro seems to be to organize…

Keeping Your Sanity is Easier than Ever

Previously we warned you that your business can literally disappear overnight if you dont backup your data (see: The Sanity Secret: To Take Two Steps Forward You Must Take One Step Backup. The trick is to set up a backup system once and let it work automatically for you. There are two ways to do…