Self-Employment: Managing your Money Part 2

Tips for Living with a Fluctuating Cash Flow When You are Self-Employed (Part Two) The way you manage your money is one of the first things you’ll change when you move from employment to self-employment. You are moving from an environment where you received income in equal amounts at set intervals to one where your…

Self-Employment: Managing your Money Part 1

Tips for Living with a Fluctuating Cash Flow When You are Self-Employed: Part One The way you manage your money is one of the first things you’ll change when you move from employment to self-employment. You are moving from an environment where you received income in equal amounts at set intervals to one where your…

Self-Employment and the Difference between Rates and Wages

The difference between rates and wages is not always clear to newly self-employed people and their wage-earning clients. Both look similar on the surface; both are expressed in dollars and cents per hour. But they each represent something very different. Wages are the payment a worker receives for his labor. Rates are the payment a…

Hey, Free-Agent, Did you eat your Breakfast today?

Hey, Free-Agent, Did you eat your Breakfast today? And when you finally sat down to eat breakfast, was it morning or … 3 pm? When the phone is jangling, the pace hectic and deadlines looming, do you stop � to eat? All self-employed people share the title Chief-Cook-and-Bottle-Washer. Which is just another way to say…

Saying NO and Setting Boundaries

Saying No and setting boundaries is a necessary skill if you want to stay in business. And that means, from time to time, you’ll have to say no. Defining and setting your boundaries is fundamental to building and maintaining a business. And saying ‘no’ is not always easy or pleasant. But the success of your…

Where to find health insurance when you are self-employed

You”re self-employed. So, where do you go to find health insurance? Here are some places to look: If your spouse carries health insurance through his employer, generally you can be covered under his policy. You can readily buy individual coverage on the internet, from insurance agents, and Blue Cross/Blue Shield. The conventional wisdom is that…

Let Someone Else Do It!

When you become self-employed, you automatically become the �Chief, Cook, and Bottle Washer.� In other words, you do it all. You do the bookkeeping, buy the paper clips, market your business, and you even provide your business’s product or service. But you’ll better at some tasks than others and there are some tasks that you’ll…

Company Picnic Ideas and Planning Tips

The company picnic is a beloved tradition at many firms. It’s an opportunity for employees to mingle and “let down their hair.” A well organized company picnic with planned activities can help integrate employees with each other. This is particularly important if the company has undergone recent reorganization. As such it functions as a “team…