Greet Your Customers, They’ll Tell You What They Like

Jew Central continually monitors our reader’s interests so that we can better serve you. What we found recently caused a dramatic change in what we do.
Case Study

When Jew Central was launched we added a small Jewish ecard service because we thought it would could prove helpful for our readers. Fast forward to this past purim while we were looking through our summarized logs (what better way to know what your users like). We noticed a huge spike in ecard usage. We looked around the internet to see who else was offering a free jewish ecards and found very little. Certainly nothing of comparable quality. It is then when we realized that we had unintentionally stumbled across a huge community need- free Jewish ecards.

Rather than simply fill this need by adding more choices to our current ecards feature- we spun it off. We created a new site with more free card choices and features than ever. The spin off allows Jew Central to continue to serve Jewish professionals, and Jew Cards can now serve the Jewish population at large.

Lessons Learned

  1. Continually monitor your customer’s interests.
  2. Look at your competition
  3. Spin off business that do not fit your core market
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